October 9, 2024

Product Description tips for selling on Amazon

Boost your Amazon sales with effective product descriptions! Learn how to write clear, engaging, and SEO-friendly descriptions that attract buyers and increase conversions. Get practical tips to highlight key features, benefits, and stand out from the competition
Product Description tips for selling on Amazon
Product Description tips for selling on Amazon

Key takeaways: 

  • With effective product descriptions, you can attract the right customers and give them enough information to make them buy your product. 
  • Creating effective product descriptions starts with understanding who your target audience is and how your product can meet their needs. 
  • When writing product descriptions, focus on highlighting how your product solves customer needs, and emphasize the benefits of using your product. 
  • Don’t forget to add relevant keywords, check for spelling and grammar errors, and keep your product descriptions concise.  

Imagine a customer going through your product page in search of, say, a food container. There are excellent reviews but it’s hard to make a final decision. 

The customer decides to go through the product description only to find fragmented sentences, typos, and repetitive text. This will leave the customer second-guessing your company and the quality of your product. 

As an online retailer selling on Amazon, your product description is essential for product marketing on the platform. It is not only important to deliver quality products but to also present them effectively using the right words. 

In writing your product description, you need to work your way around being informative, interesting, concise, and including the right keywords for search rankings. 

In this article, we will go through product description tips that will hook your customers, improve search rankings, and increase sales on Amazon. 

What is the Amazon Product Description? 

On a typical product listing, you will see two product descriptions. The first is the bullet point section after the product title. This is the first product description customers get to see on the listing. It contains the main features of the product. The second is located at the bottom of the product page. This typically includes a summary of what the product is about. Sellers also use this section to communicate their Unique Value Proposition or brand story. 

By creating an effective product description, you can give customers enough information to make them buy your product. You can also improve your Amazon SEO to increase your chances of appearing on the first page of Amazon search results. 

8 tips for crafting an effective product description on Amazon

Here are eight tips to help you craft a compelling product description that attracts the right audience and increases conversion rates:

  1. Understand your audience 
  2. Focus on the benefits of your product
  3. Use bullet points to improve readability
  4. Keep your product description concise 
  5. Don't forget to add relevant keywords 
  6. Double-check for grammar and spelling errors 
  7. Communicate with authenticity
  8. Follow Amazon's product description guidelines

Understand your audience 

To craft an effective converting product description, you need to understand who your audience is. You need to consider who is buying your product, why they buy it, and how your product helps your customers. 

To know who your customers are, research is important. You can go through customer reviews of products similar to yours on Amazon. Pay attention to customer expectations and complaints. You can also do a quick Google search and look out for blogs and social media posts of similar products. 

With these findings, you can write a product description from your customer’s viewpoint. 

For example, if you are selling furniture, consider newlyweds or families and write according to what benefits they could be getting from your product. Speak directly to their needs, desires, and pain points. Use language and examples that resonate with your target audience.

Use bullet points to improve readability.

The first step to a sales conversion is getting a customer to click on your product. Next, you want to draw your customer's attention to the features and benefits of your product. This is where the bullet point section comes in.

Some Amazon sellers make the mistake of cramping paragraphs in this section. This can create confusion and put off potential customers. 

Instead, list compelling snippets of the features and benefits of your product using bullet points. Think of your bullet point section as a touchpoint to take your customers on a journey. 

Start with a brief statement on the features of your product and dive deeper into what makes your product stand out and why it is worth buying. Infuse emotional and sensory words that create an immersive experience for your customers. 

Also, an organized bullet point section improves readability and increases buyer trust. List the most compelling benefits first, as many users won’t read beyond the first few bullets. Avoid technical jargon and complex sentences. Limit each bullet point to a single point and maximize the number of bullet points Amazon allows. 

Focus on the benefits of your product.

It's easy to list out a bunch of product features. However, customers want to know what your product can do for them. Start with an engaging product title. Your product title is often the first thing a potential buyer sees. It needs to be concise, informative, and enticing. The title should give a snapshot of the product’s most important features and benefits and should include relevant keywords. 

Your product description should show potential customers what they can get out of using your product or how your product can solve their problems.  

Avoid using generic descriptions like ‘best’ or ‘top-quality’. Attempt to communicate the benefits of using your product most compellingly. For example, if you sell a solar lamp with a ‘72 hours battery life, you want to ensure you communicate that to your customers using the right words and phrases. Encourage buyers to take action by incorporating words like "perfect for," "ideal for," or "great for." This helps customers visualize how the product fits into their lives.

Keep your product description concise. 

Your customers don't want to go through long paragraphs of text. They want to be convinced that your product is for them in a few simple sentences. When writing product descriptions, focus on the quality and presentation of the features and benefits of your product. Avoid heavy text descriptions. While you have 2,000 characters for the detailed description, aim for conciseness. Keep it simple and concise but ensure it also contains informative details that push customers to make a buying decision. 

How to craft a captivating product description 

The product description is your chance to tell a story about your product, highlight its unique selling points (USPs), and persuade potential buyers to make a purchase. 

  • You want to start with a captivating opening that emphasizes the product’s core value.
  • Use sensory words and emotional language to paint a vivid picture of what it’s like to use your product.
  • Identify common problems that your product solves for the customer. 
  • Incorporate social proof such as reviews, testimonials, or awards if applicable.
  • End the description with a direct suggestion to buy the product.

Don't forget to add relevant keywords. 

Creating a concise and compelling product description is only one part of the puzzle. You also want to make sure your product listing ranks on search results as well. This means you have to craftily infuse relevant keywords into your product description. 

The first step is to conduct Amazon keyword research to gather relevant keywords your customers are searching for. To get keywords, you can look at Amazon's top sellers in your product category and take note of descriptive words and phrases used. You can also include different variations of long-tail keywords to increase your chances of showing up in search results. Use Amazon keyword research tools to get high-performing keywords with the right search volume. 

The second step is to infuse these keywords in your product descriptions carefully. You want to make sure it is written with a natural tone. Avoid stuffing keywords. Instead, focus on using a few high-traffic keywords. 

Double-check for grammar and spelling errors. 

Even the smallest grammar and spelling errors can put off potential customers. Ensure your sentences are well-constructed. Avoid using fragmented sentences and repetitive phrases. Check for typos and spelling errors throughout your product descriptions. Double-check and proofread your content. Ensure it is error-free. 

Also, pay attention to the tone of your communication. Communicate with a tone that makes your customers feel your product can be trusted. 

Communicate with authenticity 

You have probably come across one or two product listings with customer reviews that say “Not as advertised”. 

You want to avoid communicating promises or highlighting features that your product does not meet up with. 

Communicating false information could lead to negative reviews and product returns ultimately affecting your brand's reputation. Also, you could get your account suspended if Amazon notices any fraudulent activities on your product page. Keep it authentic and ensure your product delivers what it promises. 

Follow Amazon's product description guidelines.

The last but not least tip to consider is Amazon's product description guidelines. Follow the guidelines set by Amazon to avoid any mishap. You can find the full product description guidelines on your Amazon Seller account. The purpose of your product description is to inform and assist customers. 

Here are a few dos and don'ts of writing product descriptions: 

  • Write product descriptions clearly and concisely.  
  • Include product-related information
  • Avoid misleading facts or false claims. Be transparent about product features, benefits, and limitations.
  • Make sure your product description corresponds to your product image
  • Customer testimonials or quotes are not allowed 
  • Avoid promotional messages or promotion of other products

It is important to familiarize yourself with Amazon's rules to avoid suppression of your product listing or suspension of your Amazon Seller account

Bonus tip: Amazon A+ Content 

Amazon A+ Content gives Amazon sellers the opportunity to improve search rankings, boost conversions, and increase sales on Amazon.

Amazon A+ Content is a tool that allows sellers to showcase a wide range of high-quality images and in-depth product descriptions to improve the customer shopping experience and boost conversion rates. Key features of Amazon A+ Content include rich text content, high-quality images, videos, comparison charts, and additional product details. 

You can get access to design templates and add text to images. This helps you communicate the benefits of your products effectively. It is a free tool, however, you must be registered under the Amazon Brand Registry to get access to Amazon A+ content. 

There are two types of A+ Content:

A+ standard content

This includes basic multimedia modules such as images, text layouts, and comparison charts. It is available to Professional selling accounts and requires that your brand is enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry. A+ standard content allows you to add up to five modules per ASIN: 

  • Text module: With this module, you can add rich text content to your product description. You can also format text, add bullet points, and use bold or italic text.
  • Image module: This allows you to upload high-quality images related to your product. You can also add multiple images within a single module. 
  • Comparison chart module: This module helps customers compare your product with similar ones. You can easily display side-by-side comparisons of your product’s features. 
  • Video module: This allows you to add videos directly into your product listing. It also supports various video formats compatible with Amazon. 
  • FAQ module: This module allows you to address common customer questions directly on the product page. By addressing common customer questions, you can reduce inquiries and improve customer satisfaction. 

Premium A+ content

Premium A+ content offers more advanced features, including video, interactive content, and enhanced multimedia modules, making your product listing more interactive and engaging. It has stricter requirements, including a published Brand Story and multiple successful submissions.

Premium A+ Content offers more advanced features and additional modules including: 

  • Full video module: This lets you add full-length videos to your product listing, giving your customers a more immersive experience.
  • Video with text module: This combines video with overlaid text for better engagement. This type of video is useful for providing product information while watching a demonstration.
  • Video with image carousel module: With this module, you can add visual elements to your video, such as image overlays or transitions. This improves the viewing experience and provides additional product information. 

Final thoughts 

You can start writing effective product descriptions using the tips listed above. Product descriptions after product photos are the first things customers pay attention to when they go through a product page. 

Remember that your product description is not just an outline of features. It should communicate the benefits of your product in a way that entices customers to purchase your product. As you create your product descriptions, don't forget to add relevant keywords to improve search rankings on Amazon. 

Take time to draft your product descriptions and present them in an organized way. 

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